Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Hunting Gone Bad

A hunting related shooting has one Vermont man going to court.

Conrad Masse, 76, and Wayne Goff, 58, were bear hunting on Urie Road in Albany when things got out of hand.

They had released two bear hounds out on a track of a bear when Goff and Masse drove to Urie road. Goff then got out of the truck to wait for the bear.

Masse then drove about 550 feet further on the road and got out of the truck to also wait for the bear. 

The bear then crossed the road between the two men and Masse fired 3 shots. One hit the bear, the other a tree, and the third bullet went right into Goff. 

Goff was taken to North Country Hospital then transported to Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center for treatment on his pelvic gunshot wound. He has now been released from the hospital and is in stable condition.

Masse was issued a citation to appear in the Orleans Superior Court on charges of Aggravated Assault. He was also ticketed by Fish and Game for shooting from the road, having a loaded riffle in his car, and not having proper display of permits for the bear hounds. 

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