Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Awkward Podcast!

The podcast is definitely more on the conversational side of things, we think its pretty funny and it is most definitely awkward.

 First we made a list of awkward situations that have either happened to us directly or to people we know.to get ideas we went online and looked at sites like "That awkward moment."

 After the list was made we tried to narrow it down to just a couple that are worthy of making it to the podcast itself.

When we began recording we thought instead of having music to accompany it we would just sing awkwardly at the beginning and end to make it even more awkward. During the podcast we introduced ourselves in the beginning but after that we didn't really say our names much.

We really tried to keep it more low key and we didn't have very much structure to it and I think that it works for this kind of podcast. Some awkward moments we included were, how do you know which armrest is yours at the movies, facebook creeps, and seeing people that you really don't want to talk to.

During the editing process we really had to cut it down because we had 21 minutes of us talking. So we cut it down to around 6 minutes of good awkward moments and hopefully a lot of funny and really true parts that we think happen to a lot of people.

Well that's really all I can say about the podcast. I really enjoyed the process even though I was unable to figure out how to embed the podcast on my post so I have linked it to the Divshare site and that seems to work when you click on it.

Hope you enjoy listening to our little podcast and I hope you find it as humorous as we all did.


Hopefully that will bring you to it!

-Ginger Journo

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