Sunday, February 5, 2012

Podcast Review

The three podcast I subscribed to were the Raw Food podcast, Americas Test Kitchen and On the Media.

The Raw food Podcast caught my eye because it looked like it was about cooking which I love to do. I liked how the host made the food on the podcast.

I like how I can visualize what shes doing. Its a newer podcast so it only has two episodes but I really liked each one so far! I don't really dislike anything about this podcast.

I love watching Amercas test kitchen on TV so when I saw that they have a podcast I was really excited to listen to it. They take calls and answer questions that people have about cooking.

They also do tastes tests and quality test which I love to know what are the better brands to get.

When I saw the On the Media podcast I thought that it would probably be a good podcast for me to listen too since I want to go into media.

The podcast pretty much consists of a couple hosts discusing "new" news and whats going on in goverment and politics.

I found it very informational and I liked how it made me think about the things that are going on around us even though it did get a little confusing at times. I would go in and out while listening and then not remembering what was being discussed.  

I havent put them on my Ipod but I have subcribed to them and I believe I will continue to listen to them!

-Ginger Journo <3

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