Thursday, February 23, 2012

Slide shows and Photo Galleries

Hello there!

For this assignment we were asked to find 2 slide shows and 1 photo gallery and figure out how well they work as story telling tools.

The first slide show I found had no sound and it was titled "The Worlds Best Beers." It's the kind of slide show that you have to click through and read what it is all about.

I felt like it was interesting to see what beers made the list and it was very informative about the individual kinds of beers. However I think not having to click through it would have made it easier to look at.

The next slide show had audio and was titled "Human Planet." It was basically pictures that this photographer took around the world and he was narrating through the pictures.

It was very informative and I liked the narrated feel of the slide show.

The photo gallery I chose was one that had photos of the Northeast Kingdom. There were no descriptions with the pictures which was kind of a down fall.

I feel like the slide show with audio did the best job telling the story. It had some natural sound which made me enjoy watching and it helped me understand what was going.

 The other slide show was fine, it just wasn't as engaging and made me loose interest more quickly. As for the photo gallery I didn't really feel like it was telling me a story of any kind.

Here are the links!

Slide show with out sound-

Slide show with sound-

Photo Gallery-

-The Ginger Journo :)

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Awkward Podcast!

The podcast is definitely more on the conversational side of things, we think its pretty funny and it is most definitely awkward.

 First we made a list of awkward situations that have either happened to us directly or to people we get ideas we went online and looked at sites like "That awkward moment."

 After the list was made we tried to narrow it down to just a couple that are worthy of making it to the podcast itself.

When we began recording we thought instead of having music to accompany it we would just sing awkwardly at the beginning and end to make it even more awkward. During the podcast we introduced ourselves in the beginning but after that we didn't really say our names much.

We really tried to keep it more low key and we didn't have very much structure to it and I think that it works for this kind of podcast. Some awkward moments we included were, how do you know which armrest is yours at the movies, facebook creeps, and seeing people that you really don't want to talk to.

During the editing process we really had to cut it down because we had 21 minutes of us talking. So we cut it down to around 6 minutes of good awkward moments and hopefully a lot of funny and really true parts that we think happen to a lot of people.

Well that's really all I can say about the podcast. I really enjoyed the process even though I was unable to figure out how to embed the podcast on my post so I have linked it to the Divshare site and that seems to work when you click on it.

Hope you enjoy listening to our little podcast and I hope you find it as humorous as we all did.

Hopefully that will bring you to it!

-Ginger Journo

Monday, February 13, 2012

Podcast Idea

Our group will be doing a blog on awkward moments that happen in our lives. It will be conversational will all four of us sharing our experiences with awkward moments.

It will be funny and awesome.

Peace :)

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Podcast Review

The three podcast I subscribed to were the Raw Food podcast, Americas Test Kitchen and On the Media.

The Raw food Podcast caught my eye because it looked like it was about cooking which I love to do. I liked how the host made the food on the podcast.

I like how I can visualize what shes doing. Its a newer podcast so it only has two episodes but I really liked each one so far! I don't really dislike anything about this podcast.

I love watching Amercas test kitchen on TV so when I saw that they have a podcast I was really excited to listen to it. They take calls and answer questions that people have about cooking.

They also do tastes tests and quality test which I love to know what are the better brands to get.

When I saw the On the Media podcast I thought that it would probably be a good podcast for me to listen too since I want to go into media.

The podcast pretty much consists of a couple hosts discusing "new" news and whats going on in goverment and politics.

I found it very informational and I liked how it made me think about the things that are going on around us even though it did get a little confusing at times. I would go in and out while listening and then not remembering what was being discussed.  

I havent put them on my Ipod but I have subcribed to them and I believe I will continue to listen to them!

-Ginger Journo <3